
In this section we share research and evidence about hyperlocal & community journalism produced by us and by others.

Cardiff University is ranked 2nd nationally for the impact of our research and we are among the top five universities in the UK for research excellence.

Our researchers are working across disciplines to tackle major challenges facing society, the economy and our environment. Our ambition is to secure our reputation as a community of scholars with the imagination, energy and capacity to co-create the future. We want to be recognised for our innovation and contribution to the health, wealth, security and well-being of future generations in Wales, in the UK and globally.

C4CJ was born out of this ambition and in this section we share research and evidence about independent community and hyperlocal journalism produced by us and by others. Our research feeds into our work with practitioners and helps determine our advocacy. This, in turn, feeds back into our research creating a positive feedback loop.

Research Articles

Hyperlocal Community News, its current state, and future prospects

Hyperlocal Community News, its current state, and future prospects Dr. Andy Williams, Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and Cultural…

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Centre for Community Journalism